I want more people to have the opportunity to call this their second home.
Mark Abramovitz '21
The New Scharf Family Chabad House
8,400 square feet of lively Jewish connection
With abundant blessings from Above and with the support of our advisory board, we have purchased 17 Edwards Place, the adjacent property to our current location.
Working together with Princeton's Historic Preservation Committee, we are making a careful restoration and expansion, combining the properties, and adding on to it. In the end, we will triple our capacity, activities, and engagement.
Chabad is an exciting, energizing place to connect with others.
Sydney Bebon '23

A Taste of Jewish Life With Chabad

Our Global Reach

A large space will create such an incredible community on top of what's already built here.
Max Misrahi '22
Help us build locally and reach globally.
Join us to build the new Chabad House at Princeton: a home as open, active and purposeful as you who engage with it.
Our deepest thanks to our Leadership Board.