Chaboard Positions:
You know Chabad. That place with the best Shabbos dinners, great atmosphere, friendship, learning, and fun. The Chaboard is the awesome engine behind all of that. It's one of the best places on campus to both make a significant impact and make friends for life. Princeton deserves to have the most vibrant Jewish life, and the Chaboard plays a big role, and that could mean YOU.
Practically, it can be either a lot of work or not very much. It is important to us that we are bringing in voices from everywhere on the campus, so do not worry if you have never done anything Jewish before. This is your chance!! If you come to lots of events, we are looking at you too!
To apply Click Here
1. Social Chair - Organize board L'chaims, group activities, manage board groupchat
2. Events Chair - Plan all events, make Facebook events, and invite students (not including Shabbat and Holidays). Examples include Latemeal, study breaks, and dinner and discussions. Create new, never before done events!
3. Holiday Chair - Plan all holiday related events, make Facebook events, and invite students. Lead the Purim, Seder, and Rosh Hashana committees. Create new, never before done holiday events!
4. Shabbat Chair - Plan all shabbat events, make Facebook events, and invite students. Choose themes. Reach out and invite students to dinner. Enhance Shabbat experience. Organize occasional Shabbat lunches. Create new and never before done Shabbat events!
5. Shabbat Logistics Chair - Help make Shabbat work! Organize/help out with challah baking, table setting and table serving.
5. PR Chair - Post and share events on Facebook. Choose and interview weekly Chabad Student of the Week. Create graphic design logos for special events. Manage Instagram account. Brainstorm new ways of PR.
6. Davening and Learning Chair - Come up with learning related events. Help recruit for Sinai Scholars. Organize occasional Friday night services. Manage Chabad Learning Community. Work with Bentzi on learning related programs. Help students find learning opportunities.
7. Outreach Chair - Personally reach out and invite students to events. Focus on Freshmen outreach (Plan Israel trip meet up, email accepted students in March/May, heavy outreach in the beginning of fall semester).
8. Member at Large - Situational responsibilities. Be awesome.
9. Banot Chair - Plan/create events for Banot (jewish women's group on campus), together with Banot board, make facebook events and invite students.